By: David Glasco, J.D.*
On Monday March 23, 2020 Bexar County Judge Nelson Wolff issued Executive Order NW-03 putting in place a Stay Home, Work Safe Measure to mitigate Covid-19. Today’s date of me writing this is April 14th, 2020 and Bexar County is still instructed to be working from home unless your practice is deemed to be “essential.”
Here at the RL Wilson Law Firm we pride ourselves on fighting the good fight. There are many who still need their voices to be heard during the pandemic we are facing. Our staff has made it a priority to ensure beneficial service even amongst the setback which has taken effect on all of us. We not only love what we do but we also find supreme satisfaction with putting our best foot forward during times like these for the sake of others.
Although there may not be a perfect answer to our crisis of Covid-19 at the moment there is a silver lining in every dark cloud. Bend but don’t break, stumble but do not remain on the ground. These principles are instilled within our office and we are aware of the similar challenges presented to us all as we attempt to find our footing during this time.
We are still here. And under no circumstances whatsoever are we planning on leaving the people behind when we have even the tiniest ounce of opportunity to assist.
This Law Firm is a beacon of hope. And we want the people to be aware of that just as much as we are. Although we may not seem “essential” under the definition we do not underestimate our ability to be essential to anybody in need.
Stay safe, and we will all get through this together!
*David Glasco is a 2019 graduate of the Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley School of Law, and a February 2020 Texas State Bar Exam candidate. David presently serves as a law clerk with the R L Wilson Law Firm. He may be reached by email at dglasco@sa-law.com.